Monday, October 21, 2013

Back on Track -Week 2

Week 2 of my 12 week back on track journey. This is been a great week. I have stuck with eating whole and fresh foods. We only went out to eat once this week, and it was on my free day.

Day 8: Good lower body workout. My knees were crunching a little more today on the leg extensions but nothing too bad. I know it will work itself out.
The standing calf raises were a little tough to get through this morning. The glutes and calfs were burning good!

DAY 9: I did very well today on writing my daily goals. This is something that I really need to work at. I can visualize my goals but you really need to write them down to stick with them. Lots of Turkey chicken and veggies today. I am Feeling very energized and motivated.
I started using my new polar watch today to keep track of my heart rate. I did a 2 mile run this morning with a steady heart rate of 177 and a max at 192. According to the polar watch I burned 361 calories. My feet did very well today concidering I am still going through the healing process of inflamed nerves in one foot.

DAY 10: Upper body workout this morning at the gym. I'm still sore from Mondays killer leg workout.  Eating was still pretty good, just not enough.

DAY 11, 12 & 13: I did a long run with body weight exercised incorporated and Polar says I burned 445 calories.  Replenished with a great salad topped with smoked turkey and hard boiled eggs. Took a little while to get the lower body loosened up from my workout 2 days ago. I can really tell this new plan of action is working for me.

DAY 14: FREE DAY! I wasn't too bad today. We did go out to eat at Fort Myers Ale House for lunch, I did splurge a little and had some cheese and sour cream on my chicken fajitas.  But not nearly as much as a few years ago. I still had leftovers on the plate. Back in the day I would have asked for more cheese and sour cream. Tried a couple of Darryls french fries and a bite of buffalo chicken and it really didn't taste good at all. Once you commit to eating clean it doesn't take long to lose the urge for bad food. Especially after you do try it again it really isn't worth it.

Untill next week. Stay strong,  write down your goals and stick with your plan!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Follow me on my 12 Week Back on Track Journey

I love fitness and staying healthy. My career is the best! Personal training and Fort Myers Adventure Boot Camp for women. I get to help and guide people to leading a healthy fit lifestyle. When I see how much happier, less stressed and outgoing clients become as they emerge from the unhealthy eating habits, putting others before their personal health, and just dealing with everyday life issues...... It makes me feel so good to be able to be a part of that and be able to help. I wouldn't change what I do for anything. 

I received an email from Bill Phillips. Author of Body For Life and my favorite cookbook of all times Eating For Life. He put out a 12 week back on track challenge. I re-evaluated my goals and realized that I have come to a point that I fill my schedule with emails, business, appointments, pants starting to get a little snug...... life in general. I decided it was time to schedule time for my body makeover and accept Bill Phillips challenge. I get workouts and runs in during the day but I am ready to get down to the Nitty Gritty and reduce my body fat, plan my meals, plan my workouts and I want to share this next 12 weeks with you. I have taken my measurements and before pictures.

Here goes:

Week 1 is already completed. Meals have been planned and followed pretty good. Not completely as planned but pretty close. Isagenix shakes for breakfast and lunch with snacks between meals like fresh veggies or turkey slices. I am gluten intolerant so no breads for me! I drank plenty of water before but now I really stay on track with making my workouts more intense.

Day 1: Upper body workout - chest, biceps, triceps, back and I throw in abs.

Day 2: 20 minutes cardio workout with intensities climbing every minute for 3 minutes then decrease for 1 minute and increase each minute for 3 minutes until I've reached my 20 minutes. Today was the stationary bike and my glutes and thighs were burning!

Day 3: Lower body - Quads, hamstrings, calves and abs again. Great leg burner today! I will definitely feel this one tomorrow!

Day 4: cardio day again. Missed out on my 3 mile planned run. I have 2 inflamed nerves in my foot that I am working on. Bought some new shoes from Foot Fusion in Estero and starting to feel better. I feel like I did a whole body workout in though...... cleaned out a patch of palmetto bushes, cut down trees and manually hauled them 2 acres away to the burn pile! Yep, definitely a full body workout.

Days 5 and 6: still missed working out. I need to get back on track!  But I have still been doing yard work, cutting down and moving trees (small ones, but still) My shoulders, arms and back are feeling the landscaping workout. Not to mention the hamstrings and glutes from doing one long Deadlift picking up pine cones and pulling weeds. If you want a good rear side workout, pick up yard debris all day long and you'll feel it the next day for sure! If you don't, get with me and I'll help you out.

Day 7 is my rest day. What's that? rest, I don't think so. Did a 2 mile kayak workout as fast as I could go. Yep, feeling that in the shoulders and back.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and it's time to plan for my second week of my Back On Track 12 week Journey.